1. okra, hobbit, hook, rabbit
2. rename, enamel
3. earring, hearing
4. Parmesan cheese, charm is on peas
5. totem, motet
6. purine, urine
7. harmony, e (original phrase: "ham on rye")
8. liver, lover
9. kalunti, Kalaallit Nunaat
10. sick and tired, tick and sired
11. biota, iota
12. Zen E. C.), nip a pince-nez
13. heard, herd, load, lowed, mooed, Mood
14. gargle, farfel
15. abound, around
16. Hobbit Bilbo taunts dragon. Creature flies over town, belching smoke. Townspeople issue Smaug alert.
17. Pretty in Pink [pre-T, TY, in p (= piano), in K (= 1000)]
18. operated, opera, Ted, sundress, undress, beach, each
19. pianoforte [pi, an O for te]
20. amalgamate, am alga. Mate
21. coyote, oocyte
22. Spock, cop
23. Amin dreader, a mind reader
24. wee knight, weeknight
25. ten-hour, tenure
26. awaking, a la king

27. ACROSS: 1. Islam  4. doorknob  10. Cinema Paradiso  12. rote  13. bacillosis  15. white wines  16. ages  19. dame  20. sweatshops  25. forefinger  27. joke  29. Uncle Tom's Cabin  30. ersatzes  31. white  DOWN: 2. Shintoism  3. amen  5. opaline  6. Reagle  7. nails  8. blouses  9. Hawaii  11. crow  14. sex  17. geologist  18. USA  19. diffuse  21. winsome  22. averse  23. slew  24. affect  26. races  28. Bach

28. techs, Texas
29. mistress, stress
30. Mahler, dollar
31. Islam, I slam
32. hibernate, herniate, therein, inhere
33. tart sing over (original phrase: "starting over")
34. The Searchers, these archers
35. wahine, workmen, sarong (original group: wine, women, song)
36. nandina, Amalgam ("Amalgam" was my NPL nom de plume)
37. inroads, inro ads
38. Bordeaux, broadax
39. During waltz, maestro flings baton, impales first-chair viola. Loud note from stuck player: "Gee! Sharp!"
40. curry favor, furry caver
41. behaving, be having
42. horseradishes, hoarser, hissed
43. surrey, a list; surrealist
44. pica, mica, deficiency, efficiency
45. deoxyribonucleic acid
46. acetaminophen
47. Miss Oyl, missile, Popeye, peep, Bluto, bolt, I love you, Olive
48. caller, collar, wear, airway
49. salad dressing, Sal addressing
50. anole, alone
51. tourbillion, tour, billion
52. courteous, outsource
53. cornpone, oersted, cornerstone, oped
54. abelian, baloney
55. Zagazig, zigzag
56. tort, tortilla
57. inspect, pectins
58. Sax let salad (original phrase: "Dallas, Texas") ("Sax" is short for "Saxifrage," the NPL nom de plume of the editor of The Enigma)
59. centred, red cent
60. hum an E, Bing (original phrase: "human being")
61. Dallas, salad
62. a, agate
63. three, there, cheers, Escher
64. livery, diary
65. lemons, Le Mans, Lemnos
66. miasma, my asthma
67. putschist, put schist
68. resemble, ensemble
69. guise, guys
70. treble, trouble
71. black hole, backhoe
72. ball boy, alloy
73. burnout, burnous, type A, Taipei, room, Moor
74. calm, clam, calmer, calamari
75. Fathometer, home, fatter
76. full count, from, fount, fulcrum
77. midget submarine [mid get (= divorce, Jewish style), submarine (= hoagy)]
78. kachina, ka, china
79. scene eat wad (original phrase: "Sweeney Todd")
80. cast, scat, Cats, acts
81. goo-goo eyes, saggy
82. Three that hear Rather err rate at rathe "aha!" Thereat, a Rather retreat: "Er, here are errata." Hee-hee! Rare theater!
83. Show Boat, oboe
84. shocked, Schacht
85. Ho, men! The Orange (original phrase: "Home on the Range")
86. sell thermoses (original phrase: "smell the roses")
87. slot machine, The Tallahassee Thalassomaniac
88. hobo, oboe
89. lama, lava lamp
90. Child, chili
91. Barney, Barbie
92. pottery, otter
93. sighing, sing
94. gerbil, journal
95. greengage, reengage
96. dunce, eye candy
97. expiration date [expiration (= death), date (= March 1942)]
98. The Odd Couple [5 and 7 are a couple of odd numbers]
99. sunglasses, sung masses
100. buffalo, olefin
101. Richardson, chards, noir
102. Fourier, furrier
103. facile, fossil
104. Ape-man, wife, lured by American dream, journey to North Texas, find swinging Grapevine near asphalt jungle.
105. ai, ailing
106. Redgrave, redeye gravy
107. mole rats, mole ruit sua
108. baby boom, mya
109. carbohydrates
110. forty, dorty
111. check in, chicken
112. dilate, die late
113. la-la land, ND
114. Oneida perverse [one Ida (= Tarbell, Lupino) per verse]

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